
Sunday 4 January 2015

Film of the Year 2014


Firstly, I'm going to say sorry for the lack of posts during December - it was a busy month and blogging took a massive back seat which is not how I wanted to end a fantastic year on Ticket Stub. To make up for this, I'm starting 2015 with the Film of the Year for 2014! I will also combine a brief December Film of the Month to this post too.

So let's have a very brief look back at last month's films. This final month of the year was actually pretty disappointing for movie-going. I only managed to see two films during December, and didn't get the chance to see the biggest film The Hobbit! I know, this is very poor. (Don't worry, it will be in the January 2015 round up).

As usual here is the rating system:

Poor. Why did I even bother?!
** = OK. Could have done better.
*** = Good. Recommended though don’t feel bad you don’t get to see this one.
**** = Excellent. Not quite perfect but highly recommended.
***** = Masterpiece. You’d be a fool not to see this film.

All titles to films link to their respective IMDB pages so you can discover more about the plot, cast and crew.

Dumb and Dumber To


The dumbest duo are back in a not-so-eagerly awaited sequel. Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels look like they had fun making this themselves, but is it funny for the rest of us? Not so much. If you're a fan of the first film (really?!), then you'll probably enjoy this. For the majority though, there is no need to see it.

Rating: *

Big Eyes
Tim Burton unexpectedly directs this movie starring Christoph Waltz and the brilliant Amy Adams. The story is exciting and it is actually rather refreshing to not have Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter starring in yet another Burton picture. Adams is excellent and Waltz plays the creepy crook very well. A great story that I would certainly recommend.

Rating: ***

Therefore, December Film of the Month is:

Big Eyes

Watch the trailer here:

Now to the main event - 
Ticket Stub's Film of the Year 2014. 
Let's look at the nominations:

Click on the links above to read each review in full.

January12 Years a Slave

February - Dallas Buyers Club

March - The Grand Budapest Hotel

April - Divergent

May - X Men: Days of Future Past

June - The Fault in Our Stars

July - Boyhood

August - Guardians of the Galaxy

September - Night Will Fall

October - Gone Girl

November - The Imitation Game

December - Big Eyes

There have been plenty of outstanding films throughout 2014 that it's genuinely hard to just pick one.
However, one must be crowned the winner so here are the top three:

Third Place - Boyhood

Second Place - 12 Years a Slave

First Place - The Grand Budapest Hotel

Do you agree with my choices?

What was your Film of the Year?

Next up will be a New Year's Resolutions post (much needed I think!)

Here is to 2015!

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