
Sunday 4 January 2015

New Year's Resolutions 2015

Ticket Stub's New Year starts right now! It is a fresh start for everyone and I have a couple of goals for Ticket Stub Film Club this year.

Hopefully I can stick to these throughout 2015 and make the blog even better!


December 2014 just goes to show that if you do not plan posts ahead of time, your blog can take a back seat and be forgotten about. I do not want this to happen ever again! I'm going to take the time each month to plan ahead posts and dedicate time to write on the weekend and prep posts during my lunch hours at work.


Last year I ventured into doing more creative posts such as the Ideas for Film Fancy Dress and the Film Nails in October. I really want to continue doing this as these are the posts I love the most and they are always popular with readers. I've got some fun ideas already for 2015 so watch this space!


I'm very lucky with my Unlimited card for Cineworld, and the local independent cinema being so cheap at £3 per film for up to 25 year olds. Some months I see a lot of films and other times I may only see two. I want to see AT LEAST three films a month so reviews are substantial and there is actually a good choice to make for Film of the Month.


When I first started Ticket Stub in August 2013, I pushed myself to write posts by using days of the week to publish on: Soundtrack Saturday, Sunday Classic, Trailer Tuesday, and from last year, Throwback Thursday Trivia. It still keeps me motivated each week but I want to vary posts up so it isn't predictable and there are interesting things to research, write and read.

What will your 2015 New Year's Resolutions be?

Comment below or tweet @TicketStubBlog


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