
Saturday 25 October 2014

Film Nails

If you haven't checked out Ticket Stub's Ideas for Film Fancy Dress post, click the link to be inspired for Halloween. For those of us who haven't got big parties to go to, but still want to get in the spirit of the spooky holiday, I've had a go at creating film inspired nail art.
Why not have a go yourself or tweet/comment with your best film nails.

Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (2003) - HALLOWEEN PICK

This is very simple and bold. Starting with a base coat, add two coatings of a bright yellow. Once dry, use a black nail art pen and create a vertical line to the left of each nail. I made mine quite thick. To finish, get a red nail varnish and splatter random splots of blood to the right hand corner. Make sure not to have too much paint on the brush for this.

Spider-Man (2002)

Start with the base coat. Paint two nails a dark blue to match Spider-Man's trouser legs, add a top coat. Paint the other three nails bright red. Using a black nail art pen, create webs. On the thumbnail, use a white nail art pen to recreate the eyes. I coloured in two of the gaps in the web and made them the same triangular shape as Spider-Man's. Use the black pen to outline.

Life of Pi (2012)

This design is based on the book cover - which is also used as a shot in the film.
Apply a base coat on all nails. Paint a bright orange for the thumb and pinkie, then colour the other nails with a sea blue. Once dry, using the white nail art pen, create a boat shape on the middle nail. With the black nail art pen, create a curved 'C' shape at one end of the boat for Pi (see top right). Using a small brush, take the orange and blob the other end of the boat for the tiger, Richard Parker. I then added some black dots/small lines to stripe. Finally, for the tiger print on the other nails, take the black and white pens and alternate stripes on the edges.

The Joker from The Dark Knight (2008) - HALLOWEEN PICK

For Heath Ledger's brilliant Joker, start with the important base coat. For the thumb, a white polish. Alternate the other four nails with purple and a dark green to match his suit. Once dry, create the high angled eyes using the black nail art pen. I then used a small brush and dipped it in the red polish to make the smile. It doesn't have to be neat at all - the messier, the creepier!

The Wizard of Oz (1939)

If you have a silver polish or a golden lion colour along with a green scarecrow polish, you could create all the characters. I instead went for something a bit quirky and easier! Base coat your nails then apply a bright yellow to the middle three nails and a deep red for the outside two. Once dry, add a red glitter top coat to the thumb and pinkie (I used Barry M's appropriately named 'Ruby Slippers'). For the yellow nails, create a brick pattern using the black nail art pen. And there you have the yellow brick road and ruby slippers from Oz!

A Clockwork Orange (1971) - HALLOWEEN PICK

This was super simple to create. Starting with the base coat, paint orange on all nails except the ring finger - paint this white. Once dry, use the black nail art pen to draw the bowler hat on the thumb and the wide eye with the lashes on the ring finger.

Why not have a go at creating your own film nails?

Who will you be going as for Halloween?

Comment below or tweet @TicketStubBlog

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