
Wednesday 30 April 2014

April Film of the Month

As another month flies by (seriously, we're in May tomorrow - when did that happen?) it is therefore time for Ticket Stub's April Film of the Month. I've only managed to see three films this month, so this will be a quick one.

Click on the film titles to be directed to their IMDB pages. 
Here is the all important rating system:

Poor. Why did I even bother?!
** = OK. Could have done better.
*** = Good. Recommended though don’t feel bad you don’t get to see this one.
**** = Excellent. Not quite perfect but highly recommended.
***** = Masterpiece. You’d be a fool not to see this film.

Do you agree with my ratings? Let me know!

If you read my post on Cinema Etiquette then you'll have pretty much guessed that this film is atrocious. As soon as the film began, I knew I didn't like it. The awful captions at the beginning explaining the story of how Noah came about looked like they were made on Powerpoint. I didn't like the story at all and ended up really disliking Noah as a character. Are we meant to feel like this towards the protagonist? The special effects were very much hit and miss, but mainly miss. It looked like a computer game rather than a big budget movie. What is more, for the first time since, well ever, I nearly fell asleep in the cinema. My eyes did close for a few seconds - pure bliss - and then when opened I realised Russell Crowe hadn't drowned yet - bitter disappointment. Noah doesn't even deserve one star, but alas, I shall have to give it some rating. It's up there with some of the worst films I have ever seen. 

Rating: *

I really enjoyed this film. A lot more than I was expecting. If you like The Hunger Games then you are bound to enjoy Divergent. It was thrilling, tense and thoroughly enjoyable throughout. I loved the soundtrack - which features Ellie Goulding and Woodkid's brilliant Run Boy Run. Similarities between this and The Hunger Games may be a set back but I would definitely recommend this film. 

Rating: ***

I haven't seen a crappy rom com in a while, so this filled the void! There is a lot of physical humour which I'm not such a huge fan of, but a few giggles were made here and there. I did not understand Nicki Minaj's pointless cameo and, to be honest, I really don't find Cameron Diaz that funny. Nor Leslie Mann for that matter. Her character became increasingly annoying! An OK film, I guess.

Rating: **

As you can see there is a clear winner for Ticket Stub's April Film of the Month...


Do you agree or disagree?

Let me know in the comments or tweet @TicketStubBlog

All images are from

Quote of the Day #12

"On Wednesdays, we wear pink"

Mean Girls (2004)


Can you believe Mean Girls came out ten years ago today?

That's right, the teen movie is celebrating its 10th Anniversary!

With so many to choose from, what is your favourite Mean Girls quote?

Sunday 20 April 2014

Sunday Classic: Life of Brian (1979)


"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!"

It's time for another Sunday Classic - a controversial comedy which is bound to brighten up this rainy Easter Sunday. This week I've picked Monty Python's Life of Brian.

Starring all the Pythons (Michael Palin, John Cleese, Terry Jones, Eric Idle, Graham Chapman and Terry Gilliam) Life of Brian tells the story of Brian - a Jewish man born on the same day as Jesus who continually gets mistaken for the Messiah.

The cutting edge comedy caused a fair amount of controversy, being banned in Norway and Ireland due to its blasphemy and religious satire. In the UK, 39 authorities gave an outright ban on the film being shown or gave the film an 'X' certificate to prevent people from seeing it.

John Cleese and Michael Palin appeared on BBC2 to debate with Malcolm Muggeridge and the Bishop of Southwark, Mervyn Stockwood, about the film. The heated debate is on YouTube - I shall link it below:

The story, and the debate, was wonderfully recreated in the BBC Four comedy drama Holy Flying Circus. I highly recommend seeking this out. Here is a short clip:

Protests, bans and debates aside, Life of Brian has been hailed as one of the greatest comedies of all time. Not only this, but it gave us one of the best loved songs to whistle along to:

What is your favourite moment in Life of Brian?

Comment below or tweet @TicketStubBlog

Saturday 19 April 2014

Soundtrack Saturday: Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory (1971)


"Come with me and you'll be in a world of pure imagination"

Continuing the Easter themed posts this weekend, I have picked an appropriate Soundtrack Saturday for your ears to sink into (and you'll probably fancy eating some chocolate too!) 
Yes, this week I have chosen Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory.

Although the film may not stay true to Roald Dahl's childhood classic, the film is enriched with catchy songs and has gained a cult following over the years.

The best song, undoubtedly, has to go to Pure Imagination sung by the genius Gene Wilder. He sings this as the children and adults enter the world of Wonka's factory in the Chocolate Room. I distinctly remember watching this as a child and it quickly became my favourite moment in the film. Purely magical. 
It has been covered quite a few times too. I highly recommend Jamie Cullum's version. Also check out Maroon 5's and Fiona Apple's interpretations.

Remember the Oompa Loompa song? Each of the five children have Willy Wonka's helpers singing the tune before each of their fates in the factory. Here is a compilation of them all together:

Veruca Salt also gets her own brilliantly bratty song - I Want It Now:

The Candy Man and (I've Got A) Golden Ticket are two other highlights. However, listening back, can Charlie actually sing in tune? I don't think so, but hey, it adds to the charm doesn't it?

If you fancy a charming and sweet trip down memory lane, I highly recommend this soundtrack for this Easter weekend.

Available on Spotify? Yes

Best track? Pure Imagination

Do you have any favourite movie soundtracks that should feature on Ticket Stub?

Comment below or tweet @TicketStubBlog

Friday 18 April 2014

Quote of the Day #11

"- Chili pepper in hot chocolate? Pshh.

- Mm-hm. It'll give you a lift"

Chocolat (2000)


This is the first of several Easter themed posts this weekend.

What are your favourite Easter/chocolate films?

Monday 14 April 2014

Cinema Etiquette


On Friday, I went to see Noah (as you'll find out in my Film of the Month review, it is not worth seeing in the slightest). Half way through the film, I hear a man say 'hello...yeah man sounds good' at a rather loud volume. I peer to my left to see a guy with a mobile to his ear whilst Russell Crowe is being drenched with rain on the silver screen. Yes, that is right - this man took a phone call in the cinema and was not subtle about it at all.

As I tweeted after the film, since when did it become acceptable for someone to take a phone call in the middle of a film at the cinema?! Even if the film is awful, it is never the right time to click that green phone and talk to your friend about where you're meeting next or how good your nachos are. 

This got me thinking. What is considered acceptable behaviour in the cinema? Those without loyalty cards, such as the Unlimited for Cineworld, pay extortionate amounts of money for cinema tickets. Surely if you're paying nearly and sometimes over £10 to see a film, you don't want a stranger disrupting and ruining the film experience for you. 

I'd like to refer you to the Wittertainment Code of Conduct for Moviegoers
by Simon Mayo and Mark Kermode:

Perhaps the man on our row, and also the girl talking next to me, should have seen this beforehand. At least I would have been able to enjoy the film experience, even if the movie itself was atrocious.
(You can see where I'm going with this review at the end of the month, can't you?)

So, I want to know what is the worst behaviour you've witnessed at the pictures.
Whether it is a kid kicking your chair or a couple being highly inappropriate on the back row, let me know your stories but, more importantly, what can be done to prevent it? 

Let me know your thoughts - comment below or tweet @TicketStubBlog

Wednesday 9 April 2014

Trailer Wednesday: Wish I Was Here (2014)


I am too excited to share this trailer with you that it can't wait for the usual Tuesday slot, nor the occasional Trailer Thursday...Today, I share the teaser trailer for Wish I Was Here.

Directed by Zach Braff, this is the project in which the Scrubs star funded the film through Kickstarter. This was with the main purpose for getting full editing control, as he did before in his directorial debut for Garden State (one of my all time favourite films). I did indeed pledge just $10 to the making of this film. Along the way, I have been updated with weekly emails from the man himself showing behind the scenes footage from the movie which has been truly fascinating to see the world of independent film-making. 

As well as starring Mr. Braff himself, other cast members include Josh Gad, Kate Hudson and the legendary Mandy Patinkin. Not only does Braff star and direct, he wrote this film with his brother Adam. It premiered to good reviews and a standing ovation at the Sundance Film Festival. It looks marvelous and I'm hoping the soundtrack will be another standout as Garden State was sheer perfection. Check out my first ever Soundtrack Saturday to find out more.

Without further ado, check out the teaser trailer for Wish I Was Here. 
The UK release is set for 19th September 2014:

Seen any good trailers worth sharing? 

Let me know in the comments below or tweet @TicketStubBlog

Friday 4 April 2014

Quote of the Day #10

"Let's put a smile on that face!"

The Dark Knight (2008)


Heath Ledger was born on this day, 4th April 1979.

What is your favourite film of his?

Any favourite quotes?

Let me know in the comments below or tweet @TicketStubBlog